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Credit: thomasreynoldsblog |
The blastula develops into an embryo and some of the cells form a placenta, linking the embryo with the uterus lining. Organs
such as the heart develops and, after 8 weeks, the embryo is called a fetus.
of the fetus requires a good supply of nutrients and O2. This is
achieved through the link between the placenta and the mother’s blood supply in
the uterus lining. The placenta is soft and dark res, and has finger-like projections called villi. The villi fit closely into the uterus wall.
1. Umbilical cord
- joins fetus to placenta; contains:
- 2 arteries: blood from fetus ---> placenta
- 1 vein: returns blood ---> fetus
- Blood from the fetus passes through the umbilical cord in the umbilical artery to the placenta.
- Here it comes close to the mother's blood.
- transport O2 + nutrients (amino acids, glucose…) from mother ---> fetus
- transport CO2 + wastes (urea… ) from fetus --->mother (through umbilical vein).
This is really important because the fetus and mother may have different blood groups - any mixing could result in blood clotting, which could be fatal to both mother and fetus.
3. An amnion protects the fetus
Amniotic sac: membrane from embryo cells: encloses fetus, prevents entry of bacteria
Amniotic fluid: supports, protects fetus from mechanical damage; absorbs urine released by fetus.
Try this
i) A, umbilical cord ; B, vagina
Tree functions from:
transfers O2 from mother to fetus
transfers nutrients (of named nutrients) from mother to fetus
transfers CO2 from fetus to mother
transfers wastes (or named wastes) from fetus to mother
allows the transfer of antibodies from mother to fetus
prevents mixing of the blood of mother and fetus.
Helps prevent bacteria passing from mother to fetus, the blood group of mother
and fetus may be different.
There is a mistake in the answer 1ii) about the placenta. The placenta transfers waste from fetus to the mother not the other way round. Indeed. Excellent site. Thank you very much.
ReplyDeleteOf course you are right. The silly error has been corrected. Thanks.