26 February 2023

Biology - handwritten notes (Coordinated Sciences 0654)

Finally, the long-awaited Biology notes for
 the IGCSE CIE 2023-2024 syllabus (0654 Coordinated Sciences) is here! They can be downloaded in full or by chapter (by following their respective links). 

Time to get crackin' for this exam season, folks. Happy studying :)

Many graphics are from Save My Exams. I do not own these graphics.

Other notes:

[Download] Full PDF (please click the link instead of the preview, the file in the link has page numbers that, hopefully, make organizing the notes easier)


  1. Hey Emma, these notes are sooo good, I was waiting for them since the start of last year, but I thought I better not put pressure on you, after seeing how awesome your notes for physics and chemistry were. I really appreciate your dedication in making these, and posting them for free! If I could please give you a suggestion, it would be to add page numbers, I'm sure this isn't much work for you, but it would really help, especially if you have printed them out, even if you don't get to doing that, they still work and it will be fine without them as well. I really cannot thank you enough!!!!! I still don't think I have said thank you enough, so thank you, thank you, thank you.

    Thank you so so much
    Tejveer Randhawa

    1. Hi Tejveer! Thank you for commenting, I'm glad then notes were of help :> That's a great suggestion, and I finally got round to putting page numbers on them and fixing the link. I'm sorry it took so long. Hopefully your IGCSE exams went well! I'm currently making notes for A Level Maths 9709, I'll be sure to put pages numbers on them this time round XD if you're taking this syllabus, stay tuned!

    2. emma you save my life

  2. You've literally saved me

  3. thank you so much for this, these are the most organised and helpful notes ever! I can't believe someone can make a beauty like this. Will help me a lot. Thanks

  4. Thanks but pls can u add Biotechnology and Genetic mutation

  5. Thanks a lot but pls can u add Biotechnology and Genetic mutation

  6. HEYY can u segricate the biology notes accordingto chapters pls
    really need them as it is a long document

    1. Hey there! The individual chapters are all listed by their chapter titles in this post. You can click on them and it should take you to the post where you can download them.


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