09 April 2014

Biology Notes for IGCSE 2014 (all in one)

Here is a pdf file with all Biology Notes for IGCSE 2014 for you to download.

The pdf files for separate chapters are also available. 

Good luck! 

Biology Notes All in one

Click on the Pop-out button on the upper right corner of the pdf file to have full view and to download or download it HERE 

By chapters

1. Classification of living things or click Here to download

2. Cells or click Here to download

3. Enzymes or click Here to download

4. Plant Nutrition or click Here to download 

5. Animal Nutrition or click Here to download

6. Plant Transport or click Here to download 

7. Human Transport or click Here to download

8. Respiration or click Here to download

9. Coordination or click Here to download

10. Excretion or click Here to download

11. Homeostasis and Drugs or click Here to download

12. Reproduction or click Here to download

13. Inheritance or click Here to download

14. Ecosystem or click Here to download

15. Human and Ecosystem or click Here to download


  1. This has really helped me to revise for my IGCSE exams so thank you very much. xx

  2. you save my life since next week i have my biology exam so thank you soo much

  3. From everyone everywhere ever - thank you Emma. You have helped those in need (including me).

  4. thanks very much because this is going to help me very much in my exams

  5. My life gets so much easier, thanks to you!

  6. this was so helpful, do you by any chance do other subjects this nicely? :)

  7. This has helped me an awful lot. Thank you

  8. Is this for o level?

  9. Cambridge IGCSE and O level are equivalent qualifications.

  10. The best notes ever!!!! Fantastic Job!!!

  11. Also I found the useful revision content for igcse/ a levels on the blog www.downloadandstudy.blogspot.com. Added new stuff regulary and the best part is each and every stuff available on this blog is detailed solved. Helped me a lot.
    Revision Guides, Solved Past Papers etc.

  12. thank you soo much, really helpful!!

  13. Thanks for this helpful blog of biology !!

  14. Best revision guide ever! Keep up the lovely revision notes! <3

  15. I wish I found this earlier! My exam is tomorrow :)

  16. it really helped me a lot.....thank you so much..very useful for IGCSE students.

  17. thanks for sharing, it really helped me a lot.

  18. What should i do. I didnt studied anything and i have exam after 2 weeks please tell me how can i get this what should i do? How can i study this? After 4 years im back to study help me please.

  19. Am gonna write this exam next year so it will help me to revise for my exam............
    please email me your experience at aamicrazyfunfasion@gmail.com..........bye...buddies

  20. awesome!! Thanks soooo much for these notes

  21. Greetings Emma,
    Congrats for this marvelous job indeed. And above all, thanks a lot for sharing it with us.
    I'm not a biology student (i never quite did well in Biology may be because i didn't have your notes!!! lol..) i want to ask you for permission to use your notes (only one pdf) to create an interactive e-book which I assure you will not be used for commercial purposes nor profit making, etc. I'm carrying out a study on the decrease of Biology students and the way of learning in my country and would like to know if they are provided with appropriate tools and good notes if this will have some sort of positive impact, etc on their studies.
    I thank you in advance for your kind comprehension.
    Best regards,

    1. Hi Shoueib!

      I'm very glad that this website has been of use to you in one way or another. And yes, please feel free to use any pdf file on this blog. We're all about sharing knowledge here and I'd be more than happy for these posts to be used!
      Kind regards,

    2. Hi Emma,
      Thank you very much indeed.. Wil send u an apk u can install on ur tablet/ mobile phone, etc..
      Best regards...

  22. Thank u very much Emma. Will post an apk made up of ur notes which u can install on ur mob/ tablet, etc. thank u very much indeed.. best regards..

  23. but isn't the syllabus updated for 2016

  24. but isnt the syllabus updated for the 2016 examination

  25. my life saved ThankGod! thanksalot for updating this <3 :D (Y)

  26. Thanks a lot! this is so helpful and makes life easy!God bless you.

  27. You the real MVP!

  28. Thank you for these notes. They are extremely helpful for my teaching lessons. Do you have the notes for the revised IGCSE and A-level syllabus 2016 please?

  29. thanks a bunch... it helps me so much

  30. http://igcsepro.org/igcse/igcse-biology-revision-notes/homeostasis/ ‎
    Check this link out If you want igcse biology revision for 2016 syllabus :)

  31. Great Job Emma....These Notes Are Worthwhile & Really Helpful...Thanks Alot..!! ^_^

  32. https://bit.ly/LinksV3

    The above link is a compilation of all the websites and resources that I managed to find on the internet

  33. ICSE time table http://www.resultsclue.com/499-icse-10th-time-table-2017-cisce/

  34. would you mind if i put this resource on my website please and of course give credit to you

  35. Dear Emma,
    thank you for this amazing resource !
    do you mind if I put it up on my website
    giving credit to you of course

    1. I'm very glad that this website has been of use to you in one way or another. And yes, please feel free to use any pdf file on this blog. We're all about sharing knowledge here and I'd be more than happy for these posts to be used!
      Kind regards,

  36. Revision Notes For Class 11 Biology

    Receive good education empower by schoarslearning. By Scholarslearning student can do study of all subject . here Scholarslearning is provide revision notes for class 11 biology by which student make his knowledge in this subject . for download visit https://www.scholarslearning.com/registration.php .

  37. I used your notes for a test on Classification of living things, Cells and Enzymes and did really well I'm so happy. I printed most of your notes so i can study from them. I can't believe i found such amazing notes :) btw it says 2014 and its 2016 does it make a big difference ? pls reply or is the information the same ?

  38. Dear Emma,
    I am IGCSE 2018 student and by now the syllabus has changed a little bit. Can I kindly ask you to update it? By the way, you did great job. I just fnished first three topics and I realized that I understood the topics better-thanks to you.

  39. Hi!!

    Great notes. I am a biology teacher in Lesotho Southern Africa and these notes are a great resource for my learners and I.
    Thank you,keep it up.

  40. Great resources for IGCSE biology. Many thanks from Albania!

  41. Amazing notes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  42. thanks, this helped me

  43. God bless you alot....great note

  44. thanks a lot i helped us soooo but we ask about updates after 2016

  45. Best notes 2022 igcse exams


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